Le Chiele Trust

Dominican College

1st Year

1st Year Subject Choice

March 2024

In addition to the core subjects studied by all 1st year students at Dominican College, each student will also make two choices for their final subjects.

Firstly, each student will study either French or German and secondly, each student will study one of the following subjects; Home Economics, Music or Visual Art.

The core subjects which each student will study are: English, Irish, Maths, Geography, History, Science, Business Studies, Religious Education, Digital Literacy, PE, CSPE, SPHE and Choir.

Below are number of resources which will help both parents/guardians and their daughters, make this choice. We hope that they will be of value to you.

Subject Choice Presentation for Students & Parents

Following our online meeting on the 7th March 2024, please find additional information that may be of value to you in deciding on which practical subject and foreign language to study, below. 

1st Year Subject Choice: Useful Resources


Subject Choice Selection Form

Please click below to complete your subject choice form.

Subject Choice Form

This form should be completed no later than 6pm on Friday 15th March 2024.
In the case that a subject is over-subscribed, places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.